Monday, December 20, 2010

Squash Ball Dot Differents Weight

Monchio Process: "So they killed my father," Pardini

From Gazzetta di Modena of December 14, 2010:

"So they killed my father"
A witness: "His blood was left in the notebook "

Palagi. Resumes today, the Military Tribunal of Verona, the hearings for the massacre of Monchio, and Susano Costrignano of March 18, 1944, when 140 were confirmed dead in Modena to fall under the fire of the Germans. A parade in front of the court, will the police officers who conducted the investigation into the merits of the charges, accused of the massacre that saw the former appartenenti alla divisione "Herman Goehring": Erich Koeppe, tenente dello Stato maggiore del III reparto; Hans Georg Karl Winkler, comandante di compagnia; Fritz Olberg, comandante di plotone; Wilhelm Karl Stark, comandante di squadra; Ferdinand Osterhaus, comandante di plotone; Helmut Odenwald, comandante della 10ma batteria artiglieria contraerea; Gunther Heinroth, soldato. Domani sarĂ  volta di nuove testimonianze dei sopravissuti (in tutto il processo saranno ascoltati oltre 250 testimoni), che contribuiranno a ricostruire quella tragica giornata di sangue. Come Adalgisa Casini e Armando Tincani che nell'ultima udienza hanno rievocato davanti al collegio presieduto dal giudice Vincenzo Santoro, episodi dolorosi e agghiancianti di quei giorni of war. Adalgisa Casini - who at the time of the massacre was 8 years old - said the cruelty with which he was beheaded the father of her future husband's head, cleanly severed, was found abandoned in a box. Armando Tincani - 7 years at the time - said precisely the murder of his father, bringing with her to Verona, a notebook that belonged to the missing parent. On the sheets, yet indelible stains of blood. In addition to the witnesses the last audience saw the deposition of expert Alessandro Politi, strategic analyst and scholar of military strategy to use in anti-partisan basis from SS manuals of the 30s-40s, the consultant explained the day dell'eccidio from a technical point of view military, explaining the roles of the broadcast division of the order until the time of organization. (


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