Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Binoculars Are Double Vision

Monchio now the defendants are 9

From Sassuolo2000 of December 20, 2010

Massacre Monchio now the defendants are 9

increased from seven to nine defendants for the killing of Monchio, and Costrignano Susano accomplished by the Nazis Division "Herman Goehring" March 18, 1944, with 140 confirmed dead in Modena. In the ongoing process at the Military Court of Verona, in fact, Monday, Dec. 20 was accepted the request of prosecutors Luca Sergio and Bruno Bruni to extend the charge for the crime of complicity in multiple homicide and aggravated continued even to the two eighty Horst Günther and Alfred Gabriel Luhmann, both corporals at the time, on the basis of apprehended in Germany in the course of the investigation: true confessions Lühmann remembers that phone call in which they used to kill women, children and old in the course of action "antibanditismo. Tra le prove anche il diario dello stesso Lühmann dove sono citate esplicitamente le stragi compiute tra il 18 e il 20 marzo del ’43 nel modenese e nel reggiano e quella di un mese dopo nell’Appennino toscano.
L’imputazione, una volta tradotta, sarà notificata ai due nuovi imputati, che si aggiungono agli altre sette per i quali il processo è iniziato nelle scorse settimane in vista della riprese delle udienze in programma mercoledì 12 gennaio.
Nel frattempo, hanno testimoniato anche il sindaco di Palagano Paolo Galvani e il presidente del Consiglio provinciale di Modena Demos Malavasi che, assistiti dall’avvocato Andrea Speranzoni, hanno ribadito le motivazioni della costituzione come parti civili nel processo, along with 89 relatives of victims, the Region Emilia Romagna and the PNA.
Galvani stressed in particular how the tragedy has affected the civilian population, leaving an indelible mark in the history of those communities and stressed the commitment to promote the memory of those events. A theme also taken up by Malavasi who is in that process, "a way to ascertain the truth in the name of justice, not revenge, so that these tragic events we can learn to make will not be repeated again." And the reference is to the paths of memory, the park of Santa Giulia and the many initiatives promoted peace education in the province.

are already 60 families of victims of the massacre Monchio, Costrignano Susano and who testified in the ongoing process at the Military Tribunal of Verona, another ten will be heard at the resumption of hearings in January when there will also be the testimony of eight German prosecutors cited by Luca Sergio and Bruno Bruni.
The two "new" defendants Horst Günther and Alfred Gabriel Lühmann addition to the seven on trial, all soldiers of the division "Herman Goehring. This is Erich Koeppe, 91, a lieutenant of the Military Staff of the III Department of Goehring, Hans Georg Karl Winkler, 88, lieutenant commander of the Fourth company; Fritz Olberg, 89, second lieutenant, platoon commander of the third company, Karl Wilhelm Stark, 89, sergeant, squad commander of the third company, Ferdinand Osterhaus, 93, second lieutenant, platoon commander of the fifth company, Helmut Odenwald , 90, captain, commander of the tenth anti-aircraft artillery battery; Heinroth Günther, 85, soldier of the third company.


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