Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Newspaper Wrapping Paper

Mummapitre 'subbaquo

I quote a song from the Trietto: "When the monkey there 'leg pulls ilpie'"

Old mummapitre 'subbquo not working?
Patience ..
thanks to the Chinese here is a new prodottino .. this time seems to be operating
The first swim 'was perfect.

How To Install Matlab R2007b

The move on Friday' 17

You had to go cross-country Fund

I took half a day of leave

has 'stayed at home and

not' go anywhere

It 's true that the Saturday night and' garrulous out with Ele & Giuse Pappano excessively (which I'm paying with interest)

Pero 'that Sunday will spend his whole day to work ....

incartaree from 13 to 22 to give white. At 12:30

jelly is ... a little later would have started the hard work ... and that still makes me grieve the Manotti cicciose ...



The Wrap all, so do not mess too much with the paint


The shelves are anichhia of despair


is the need for work


Exposures brushes and rollers


So the central Travon wrap her going with all travozze side .... a sentence really





and door 'sealed



Every little ammenicolo and' protected ...



It is not 'over ... and 'long by grieves for' a Nutt!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Binoculars Are Double Vision

Monchio now the defendants are 9

From Sassuolo2000 of December 20, 2010

Massacre Monchio now the defendants are 9

increased from seven to nine defendants for the killing of Monchio, and Costrignano Susano accomplished by the Nazis Division "Herman Goehring" March 18, 1944, with 140 confirmed dead in Modena. In the ongoing process at the Military Court of Verona, in fact, Monday, Dec. 20 was accepted the request of prosecutors Luca Sergio and Bruno Bruni to extend the charge for the crime of complicity in multiple homicide and aggravated continued even to the two eighty Horst Günther and Alfred Gabriel Luhmann, both corporals at the time, on the basis of apprehended in Germany in the course of the investigation: true confessions Lühmann remembers that phone call in which they used to kill women, children and old in the course of action "antibanditismo. Tra le prove anche il diario dello stesso Lühmann dove sono citate esplicitamente le stragi compiute tra il 18 e il 20 marzo del ’43 nel modenese e nel reggiano e quella di un mese dopo nell’Appennino toscano.
L’imputazione, una volta tradotta, sarà notificata ai due nuovi imputati, che si aggiungono agli altre sette per i quali il processo è iniziato nelle scorse settimane in vista della riprese delle udienze in programma mercoledì 12 gennaio.
Nel frattempo, hanno testimoniato anche il sindaco di Palagano Paolo Galvani e il presidente del Consiglio provinciale di Modena Demos Malavasi che, assistiti dall’avvocato Andrea Speranzoni, hanno ribadito le motivazioni della costituzione come parti civili nel processo, along with 89 relatives of victims, the Region Emilia Romagna and the PNA.
Galvani stressed in particular how the tragedy has affected the civilian population, leaving an indelible mark in the history of those communities and stressed the commitment to promote the memory of those events. A theme also taken up by Malavasi who is in that process, "a way to ascertain the truth in the name of justice, not revenge, so that these tragic events we can learn to make will not be repeated again." And the reference is to the paths of memory, the park of Santa Giulia and the many initiatives promoted peace education in the province.

are already 60 families of victims of the massacre Monchio, Costrignano Susano and who testified in the ongoing process at the Military Tribunal of Verona, another ten will be heard at the resumption of hearings in January when there will also be the testimony of eight German prosecutors cited by Luca Sergio and Bruno Bruni.
The two "new" defendants Horst Günther and Alfred Gabriel Lühmann addition to the seven on trial, all soldiers of the division "Herman Goehring. This is Erich Koeppe, 91, a lieutenant of the Military Staff of the III Department of Goehring, Hans Georg Karl Winkler, 88, lieutenant commander of the Fourth company; Fritz Olberg, 89, second lieutenant, platoon commander of the third company, Karl Wilhelm Stark, 89, sergeant, squad commander of the third company, Ferdinand Osterhaus, 93, second lieutenant, platoon commander of the fifth company, Helmut Odenwald , 90, captain, commander of the tenth anti-aircraft artillery battery; Heinroth Günther, 85, soldier of the third company.

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Remo and the ammunition load of the perpetrators of the history lesson Cervarolo

From Gazzetta di Reggio of December 19, 2010

load of ammunition to the perpetrators Cervarolo

Villa Minozzo. Mauro Monti, said Remo, was one of the protagonists Verona hearing process in which for the first time they heard the witnesses of dell'eccidio Cervarolo. His words, his gestures, his passion in the telling, won the students' attention Reggio who packed the courtroom for a lesson in military history live. He, Remo, had their age when they could be killed by a German soldier "may be too nervous," and somehow graced by a fellow soldier less fierce. Remo in 1944 was 14 and lived with his parents in Case Peeled, Cervarolo handful of houses nearby. "On the morning of March 19 - told the court presided by Judge Santoro - playing with other kids when we saw coming from the north a long line of German soldiers. They went to Cervarolo looking men in the country, but they were all fled, and so continued for Gazzano. The next day they returned. " Remo recalls that on the afternoon of 20 saw the houses burning and Cervarolo heard many shots. "A Case Peeled there was a small bar and suddenly some Germans came, one of them, before entering the room, gave me his machine gun. I do not know why. He stood with others in the bar for an hour, laughed as they watched from the window fires Cervarolo. Once out on the road again "what should be the boss" ordered the father to Remo, the kid and others to transport wagons with oxen boxes of ammunition to the Val d'Asta. Along the trail one of the Germans are angry because they could not find his jacket, blaming Remo averglielo taken. At one point the loaded gun pointing it towards the boy, but another soldier stopped him, "he said, it will save so much we have already made out to other young people." OTHER FACTORS. The court Santoro has acquired the records of 32 photos of Advocate Speranzoni hearing about people and places related massacre of 20 March '44. At the last hearing, Anna Paini, daughter of Ines Rossi, the last widow of Cervarolo died recently at 96 years, had a slight illness during the deposition. In the next hearing, the parties settle the civil medical certificates for three witnesses who did not can afford the trip to Verona. According to Article 512 of their stories will be so acquired.

Women's Views On Male Piercings

Court / "The boys are very involved"

From Gazzetta di Reggio, 18 December 2010:

lesson of history in court, "Defendants absent, why?"

Andrea Vaccari
VERONA. The trip is one of those unusual. Not those in which you participate with a light heart, just to lose a day's lesson. It 'a trip in which there are no guides to follow or cold monuments to watch but you hear real testimonies of those who lived the hard way the tragic events of 20 March 1944. Students in some classes of Agricultural Zanelli of Reggio and high school of Castelnuovo Monti Dall'Aglio filled the two coaches who yesterday reached the military tribunal in Verona, where he held a new hearing to determine the facts and identify those responsible for massacres and Cervarolo Monchio . "I know this sad event - says Nicola Caniparola the 5th of the G Zanelli - because they are there. I'm curious, I've never been to court and hope that there is a chance for justice and clarity sull'eccidio. "We consider this incident an integral part of our history - added David Rose - because it happened very close to us. Too bad that those responsible are prosecuted only after a long time, but even if they have spent so many years is necessary to do justice. " "Attending this hearing will allow us to learn more - says Yuri Zanotti - and I am sure will be a great experience. What do we know? That was a very bloody episode in which the culprits have become ruthless. " "It will be a special day - says Pietro Bertolini - I expect to learn something more about the massacre: in my family talk about it often, because my grandfather survived the massacre of the tavern." "I expect to learn more about what happened - Giacomo Corradi explains the 3rd high school I Dallaglio - and understand what he could create such a tragedy." 'E' un'opportunità per approfondire il tema della Resistenza - sostiene
Irma Marconi - di cui oggi purtroppo si parla poco. E' interessante avere ancora testimoni che possano raccontare quello che avvenne così tanti anni fa. La cosa che non riesco a capire è come gli imputati non siano presenti in aula». «Sono curioso di vivere questa esperienza - aggiunge Gianluca Sciaboni - anche per sentire testimonianze dirette. Da un lato credo abbia poco senso condannare persone così anziane, ma dall'altro è altrettanto doveroso punire chi ha commesso un crimine così atroce». «Mi piacerebbe poter sentire cos'hanno da dire i colpevoli - conclude Greta Boni - ma non sarà possibile. Mi colpisce che in alcune intercettazioni abbiano made it clear that it did not repent. Knowing these facts can help to ensure that such things do not happen again. "

"The boys are very involved"
Professors: The Massacre of Cervarolo is an argument heard

VERONA. Students of the 5 th G Zanelli were accompanied by teachers and Joseph Febbraro Italo Royal, with whom he embarked on a path of preparation for this day. "From the perspective of the program - said Febbraro, professor of history and Italian - we have not yet addressed the Second World War, but the facts in this process is good or bad they are known by the boys. In preparation for this hearing we had a chat by integrating the subject with other events of the day occurred in these areas, such as the massacre of the Cervi brothers. The issue of civil war and they are very interested, because of the massacres committed by the Nazis do not know certain aspects, I think this is an opportunity to make a good history lesson in real time. In March, then this path will be supplemented by a memory trip to Berlin will also visit some camps. We are satisfied because the students have shown a spontaneous interest to the events and were happy to come to Verona. " From the high school of Castelnuovo Monti Dallaglio arrived the two sections of the third. "For the kids - the teacher said Teresa Mason, who with his colleague Battioni Graziano has prepared students to this day - the massacre of Cervarolo is a hot topic, as it happened very close to them and because it involved some of their relatives . And 'since last year that we are preparing students on this issue, since we saw the movie "Above the Clouds," which comes to this sad episode. Last week we hosted Italo Royal, who has focused his sull'eccidio, then the process was completed with the researcher interevento dell'Istoreco Durchfeld Matthias, who spoke to the children of the German armies. " (V) Gazzetta di Reggio

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Cervarolo, parade of witnesses dell'eccidio / Massacre Monchio, heard 15 witnesses / 'What that gives me the most trouble is that no one is repentant

From of December 18, 2010:

Cervarolo, parade witnesses dell'eccidio
the first time in the courts. Tears and one request: "Punish those criminals'

from our correspondent Andrea Melosi
VERONA. Yesterday it snowed. As March 20, 1944. The day of horror to Cervarolo. Military tribunal in Verona in the courts Vince Santoro march 15 to testify in trial of Hans Georg Winkler, a former officer of the Division Hermann Goering and eleven other German soldiers accused of massacres of civilians on horseback in the Tuscan-Emilian committed between spring and summer 1944. E in questo tragico rosario c'è anche Cervarolo di Villa Minozzo dove il 20 marzo '44 ventiquattro uomini, compreso il parroco, furono trucidati. IL PROLOGO. Ma prima la ferocia nazista si era fermata a Monchio e in altri paesini del versante modenese. Così il primo a deporre è Ferruccio Pancani. All'epoca aveva 10 anni e abitava con la famiglia a Costrignano, poco fuori Monchio. Il 18 marzo tutti furono svegliati dal cannoneggiamento tedesco che arrivava da Montefiorino, Fuggirono verso i campi e i boschi poi verso mezzogiorno, credendo che tutto fosse finito rientrarono a casa, ma una pattuglia tedesca sorprese suo padre Giuseppe e altri 4 uomini. Messi al muro e subito fucilati: «Mio padre - ha detto - fu quasi decapitato con una raffica». Then swears and deposes Umberto Bernardi, Raffaele Abbati nephew, another fell. Recalls the stories her mother, the dead stacked like firewood before burial. NATALINA. I remember a girl of 13 years, so began the series of depositions of witnesses for Cervarolo. The girl has since Natalie Masters. Yesterday, for the first time in 66 years said the anguish of a lifetime: "I remember everything, ask me," he said with the frankness of a strong woman of the mountain. "The 19 Don Pigozzi warned all men to escape into the woods because the Germans were coming. So in the village are only women and children. Soldiers came and told us "do men go, there's nothing we will do." I believed it. The next morning the Germans came back, they began to throw down the doors and take everything. My father Sebastian wanted to hide in the attic. Do not do it, we told him, then you find and kill you. "
TRAGIC DECEPTION. One by one the men of Cervarolo are rounded up and taken to the farmyard. Do not kill them immediately, keep them there, standing in the cold, the whole day, lured to the end. Even Natalie: "The Germans told us, prepared to eat the stuff for your men to take with us in Germany. Poor things, with those parcels in hand, I see them again. " But Natalie soon realizes the situation: "Walking with mum and other women, we saw the bodies of two men lying in front of their home. " Ennio costs and Lino were father and son were killed in the morning. At dusk the Germans began burning houses and barns, "we heard bursts of machine gun and we fled into the woods. They shouted "kill us all". The next morning we returned. All died in the farmyard, there was also the parish priest, first beaten and then robbed. Around the houses burned. We had nothing, for years we have begged, but all have helped us. I am here to demand justice, because these people, these criminals are punished. You can not describe what we have done. " Talida. Talida Vannucci was 9 years old. "On the morning of March 20 when Mom looked out and saw the first Germans shouted to my father, John got up and escaped. But he stayed in bed because he was ill. My grandfather was Augustine in the barn instead. They took him away. From bullies entered the house, there were two machine guns. They opened the drawers and took all the stuff to eat. Then they got on the first floor and brought down dad. They also took a cutlery set and the watch pocket of his grandfather. They put everything in a helmet. " Like the other women and children, also was forced to leave talida Cervarolo. "But I rebelled, I wanted to stay close to Dad." Then we began to hear shooting and see the burning of homes. Since then, the fire scares me. Coat that I keep my father had found a button when it was exhumed. Oggi chiedo che per lui e gli altri sia fatta finalmente giustizia».

«Quello che mi dà più fastidio è che nessuno si sia pentito»

REGGIO. Sono passati 66 anni, ma riparlare di quei tragici giorni provoca ancora lacrime e singhiozzi tra i parenti delle vittime. Sul pullman c'è chi ha perso genitori, zii, nonni o cugini, tutte persone che portano nel cuore una forte sete di giustizia. Proprio per questo, viaggiano verso Verona con grande speranza, confidando che i loro cari possano essere in parte ricompensati da un'equa sentenza. Tra queste persone, una di quelle ad avere una tra le storie is the most touching Paola Fontana, 68. No longer lived in the area, lived for years in Viareggio, but retains a strong bond with Cervarolo where nell'eccidio, lost his grandfather and uncle of 56 and 32 years. At the time Paola was a little girl of two years and obviously can not remember what happened that day, but thanks to the notes of the family was able to reconstruct the full picture. "My mother - says she moved - I've always been told what happened. My father was almost the first to discover the corpses: scared, went to call his friend and together they discovered that among the dead there were also our loved ones. E 'already the third time I go to testify, it cost me a lot in terms of emotion and energy, and I do not know if I'll manage. But it is fair to conclude, also in deference to my mother, who suffered much and was very attached to my uncle John. Now I live far but this terrible fact keeps me tied to more Cervarolo Arcor. I trust that the process of reaching a conclusion, ours was a country of good people who had done nothing wrong, we all knew after the massacre and we are plunged into poverty. What gives me most trouble is that the authors of the massacre have not repented. " Great satisfaction at the developments that are taking the process was expressed by Italo Royal, one of the lawyers for the prosecution and professor at Zanelli: "After so much suffering on the part of country and great work of investigations, it comes to the accounts of witnesses who have experienced the events firsthand. I am satisfied not only for the position taken by the court, which is working fine, but for the fact that he has created a network among the different legal and Istoreco. I am also pleased that the boys have wanted to be close to me. For the defendants is only a matter of time, because they were pinned against eavesdropping. " (V)


Ines Rossi Paini, screened the DVD of his interview will -

VERONA. Paini Ines Rossi (pictured with her daughter) if they have went a few weeks ago to 96 years. It was the last widow of the martyrs of Cervarolo. But yesterday the military tribunal in Verona in his voice and his image appeared on the projection of a DVD presented by the prosecution Bruni. Against the screening panel has expressed a defense of the defendants, challenging the procedure. But in the end the court decided in favor of Santoro projection, because it conflicted with testimony given shortly before his daughter Anna (Read mild illness) at the time a child of just three years, since his testimony is based "solely or primarily on the lessons learned from his mother." On the DVD, the old lady (as he had previously told her daughter) recalls that the Germans kicked the buckets of milk she had just milked, the attempt of one of them to take her to a room, catching her husband and father in law Gaetano Pius. Ines also recalls the unexpected arrival of all the 19 Attilio Paini, the brother lived for some time in Genoa and has long lived in Genoa. With the family was in dispute for problen of money. The evening before his death he met with two soldiers. In the house said there was nothing to worry about, but before dawn on 20 left the house secretly. Many accuse him of being a spy for the Germans.


From Gazzetta di Modena of December 18, 2010

Massacre Monchio, heard 15 witnesses

Palagi. Marked by a deep and poignant emotion the testimony yesterday to the process open to survivors of Verona dell'eccidio in March 1944 when the Nazis killed more than a hundred civilians, including Monchio, Susano, and Costrignano Savoniero. In the hearing yesterday, the first to testify was Ferruccio Pancani. At the time he was 10 and lived with his family to Costrignano. On March 18, all were awakened by gunfire that came from German Montefiorino, fled to the fields and woods around noon, thinking that everything was finished, they returned home, but a German patrol surprises his father Joseph, and four other men. Put on the wall and immediately shot: «Mio padre - ha detto - fu quasi decapitato con una raffica». Poi giura e depone Umberto Bernardi, nipote di Raffaele Abbati, altro caduto. Rievoca i racconti della madre, dei morti accatastati come fascine prima della sepoltura. Sono stati sentiti anche i superstiti di Cervarolo nel Reggiano, che ha pagato con molte vite quei giorni. «Le deposizioni rese ieri confermano in pieno l'impianto accusatorio» dice l'avvocato Ernesto D'Andrea che, insieme ai colleghi Vainer Magnani e Andrea Speranzoni, cura le decine di parti civili presenti al processo di Verona. «I testimoni - prosegue l'avvocato - hanno un ricordo nitido nell'identificare tra gli autori delle stragi i soldati tedeschi, alcuni dei quali ridevano mentre mettevano e ferro e fuoco paesi and hamlets, and remember the participation of military fascists'

Monday, December 20, 2010

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Monchio Process: "So they killed my father," Pardini

From Gazzetta di Modena of December 14, 2010:

"So they killed my father"
A witness: "His blood was left in the notebook "

Palagi. Resumes today, the Military Tribunal of Verona, the hearings for the massacre of Monchio, and Susano Costrignano of March 18, 1944, when 140 were confirmed dead in Modena to fall under the fire of the Germans. A parade in front of the court, will the police officers who conducted the investigation into the merits of the charges, accused of the massacre that saw the former appartenenti alla divisione "Herman Goehring": Erich Koeppe, tenente dello Stato maggiore del III reparto; Hans Georg Karl Winkler, comandante di compagnia; Fritz Olberg, comandante di plotone; Wilhelm Karl Stark, comandante di squadra; Ferdinand Osterhaus, comandante di plotone; Helmut Odenwald, comandante della 10ma batteria artiglieria contraerea; Gunther Heinroth, soldato. Domani sarà volta di nuove testimonianze dei sopravissuti (in tutto il processo saranno ascoltati oltre 250 testimoni), che contribuiranno a ricostruire quella tragica giornata di sangue. Come Adalgisa Casini e Armando Tincani che nell'ultima udienza hanno rievocato davanti al collegio presieduto dal giudice Vincenzo Santoro, episodi dolorosi e agghiancianti di quei giorni of war. Adalgisa Casini - who at the time of the massacre was 8 years old - said the cruelty with which he was beheaded the father of her future husband's head, cleanly severed, was found abandoned in a box. Armando Tincani - 7 years at the time - said precisely the murder of his father, bringing with her to Verona, a notebook that belonged to the missing parent. On the sheets, yet indelible stains of blood. In addition to the witnesses the last audience saw the deposition of expert Alessandro Politi, strategic analyst and scholar of military strategy to use in anti-partisan basis from SS manuals of the 30s-40s, the consultant explained the day dell'eccidio from a technical point of view military, explaining the roles of the broadcast division of the order until the time of organization. (

Solutions For Memory Action Violation Tally Error

Best wishes and many new

Dear Friends with great pleasure we announce that the 5th edition of Levees Fesfival Theatre will start the new year on the occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day (Saturday 29 and Sunday, January 30 - with Yossl and Peter ). Even
Small Levees will resume Jan. 23 with a new production Scene In Veritas, "and Jacqueline magic beans!
The reviews will take place as every year at Space ISV that you will find completely refurbished.

We look forward to the new year and in the meantime we wish you happy holidays and a of 2011 full of pleasant surprises !

Scene In The Staff of Veritas

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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It will look like 'an idiot, but I finally got it! Just


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Night Shift


few words, no pictures, talk about the diaries. From 19.30 to 02.30 and chat.

From 9.30 to 11.00 per richiaccherare.

Amidst a lot of laughs, memories and things really 'strong'.

One of the evenings most 'beautiful for many years is a part.

Thanks, MASTER FUffutan.


Erano mesi, dai primi giorni di Aprile che non ci si incontrava, erano mesi che poche mail ci tenevano in contatto, poi e’ successo.

Nonostante le piu’ grigie previsioni ci si e’ riusciti. Non e’ stato aggratis… ho dovuto rinunciare alla cena di lavoro (troppo distrutto per stare in giro fino anotte tarda), ho preso antinfiammatori di tutte le razze per mitigare sintomi influenzali, mal di testa, mal di stomaco e mal di male.. ma alla fine ci sono riuscito.

Sveglia alle 5.30, arrivo alle 8.45, a la Thuille, colazione, prenotazone del maestro, breve attesa del maestro e via…

Alle ore 10.00 dell’ 11 Dicembre 2010 ero con gli scii ai piedi


Si parte dalla cabinovia di LA THUILE, aspettando il maestr di SCI FULVIO che mi rimettera’ in pista dopo 7 mesi di inattivita’.


Eccomi dal punto pi’ alto della Chaz Dura (?), non son riuscito a scendere di li, causa timore reverenziale, ma va bene lo stesso. 



Temperatura 3 gradi

Vento debole

GEnte in pista pochissima

Neve compatta e non ghiacciata

Insomma ilparadiso degli incompetenti… quale I'm


imossibile It seems to me that after 7 months the teacher made me get up here from'!?!?! BUT I did, I'm really happy. This time the good Fulvio taught me the use of shoes ... sooo good .. I do not know if I have learned, but I '... served as he said: "when the gradient grows it'll be useful."

I can not fail to mention the great company of my 3 ex-colleagues, fellow ski report here that while serving as a F1 team for the super ball Quasquai Mauri


What to add? Mha talk figures ... just to be venal ..

€ 20 petrol and motorway,

23 € 39 € jelly


€ 33 to € 03 Skypass

of hot tea

118 € per 14 hours commitment (from 5.30 am to 19:30 pm)

5 hours to 6 hours of skiing


I'd say it's worth the expense ... if I do not know with 120 euros can be limited to ask for more '

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Examples Of Community Service

honored to Alfonso, the man who saved Lucca

From the website "The Shield" Lucca receive and gladly publish the article by Giusti Nazarene

an honor to Alfonso Pardini, the man who saved Lucca

LUCCA, Dec. 11 - There are people to whom we owe so much, everyone. Because with their deeds, sometimes without realizing it, have enabled us to live in freedom, even if they are unknown to most of us. Often the forgetfulness of men, sometimes for their privacy. One of them is definitely Alfonso Pardini who along with three other companions, rescued from the bombing in Lucca program in September 1944.
Today, the Hall of Mirrors Palace Bears, at 12, he was given an award. Better late than never.
"This ceremony - rightly says Lio Michelotti, chairman of the veterans associations - should have been held many years ago, but only a few months ago we learned that one of the four young heroes were still alive."
Pardini, however, by what is reserved and shy person, he never boasted of his business, and after the war he continued in his normal life with his family.
"Today - continued Michelotti - we are an act of duty riparazione.Lucca will always have a place of respect for him and the other three of his companions." Pardini
For health reasons, was not present in person but was represented by Pull over wife Mary Esther and sons Enzo and Laura, who accepted the award with which, the mayor said Mauro Favilla, "the city of Lucca in gratitude, wanted to pay tribute to the courage and the civic virtues and that group of daring that saved the city from destruction. "
were days of anxious waiting as of September 1944. The city walls is occupied by the Nazis, surrounded, are demobilizing. Pisa has been liberated and the Allies continued their inexorable advance unchallenged. The pressure is pressing its German, the work is a fervent patriotic and enthusiastic, after many months of struggle, the Liberation seems close.
the night of Sept. 2, however, the men break into Hitler's Charterhouse Farneta, doing more than one hundred prisoners between religious and civil, who were welcomed and hidden there. Many will be deported to the nearby camps of Nozzano, Camaiore, Massa. A tragic swan song, a last gasp.
hours are excited, the Combat Team after crossing the hole is positioned between San Giuliano and Vorno Pontetetto, about two kilometers from the city. Everything is ready for the final assault. General of the Fifth U.S. Army is ready to bomb the city, to flush out the last German.
"But fortunately - says the historian Paul Bottari - that attack was not necessary because a timely and courageous as providential interevento partisan Lucca training" calm "was able to break the German lines at several points and reach the command sull'Ozzeri American, informing him that the Germans were fleeing to the mountains. " They are William
Bini, Giuseppe Lenzi, Alberto Mencacci (now deceased) and Pardini that (as mentioned this morning the director of the Historical Resistance Lilio Giannecchini) "bravely faced the dangers of shipping bill and also had a gun battle with the German station located on the bridge of the Friars, putting it down" and being able to make contact with the command of the allied troops located in Guam, the colonel informado Sherman (who had already set up four batteries of cannon) insurgency and the future employment of the city by fighting formations.
Sherman, commander of the 370 ° Combat Team, believed their information and decided to suspend the planned bombardment by sending a patrol led by a captain. "This decision - concluded Giannecchini - was essential for the salvation of the city, so Some years ago the two American officers were given honorary citizenship of Lucca in the memory. "
The first patriots Lucca revelers had already entered the city a few hours ahead of the entrance of the men of Captain Gandy. Anticipation of the entry 'U.S. Army on Tuesday 5 September. A historic day for Lucca.
But the war was not over yet.
A little more than thirty miles, following in reverse the Serchio River, passing it the Gothic Line, the last bastion of the Axis forces. Followed by a long, bloody winter before the spring of Liberation. Meanwhile
Lucca was free. Its people, its buildings, its churches, its saints, its traditions were prejudice grazie al coraggio di uomini come Pardini.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Microsoft Hotline Number


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is There A Way To Go Invisible On Facebook?

Monterumici 1944: War breaks out in a living diorama

Durante l'evento "Le stragi di guerra come fratture" a Monterumici (Monzuno), domenica 14 novembre si è svolto il diorama vivente "17 ottobre 1944: le voci dopo la strage" , ecco l'articolo del 9 dicembre 2010 di Francesco Fabbriani apparso sul Resto del Carlino di Bologna

La guerra scoppia nel diorama
Tedeschi, alleati, partigiani: a Monzuno il Secondo conflitto mondiale è un set

Le colline di Monterumici sono state ancora teatro the clash between German and Allied armies. Organized by the Association Gothic Line has taken a historical fact (living diorama) focusing on the events of October 17 followed back in '44 when, after a fierce clash in which the Allies tried for 11 times to conquer the summit of Monterumici, followed a break to reorganize the ranks. The audience was witness to the patrol with small detachments of soldiers. The soldiers' behavior corresponded to what actually took place. So one of the U.S. military says he is looking for a silver bracelet lost during the fighting. In fact, the bracelet was found in the years after the war and bring the name of the soldier who wore it and his love. Research has also revealed that the soldiers actually fought Monterumici, but he is untraceable, one of the many who have not lost a tomb. So the German soldiers speak of their contempt for the Italians considered traitors and voice their anger at having to fight the war that should have been alliance. The audience participated with a lot of attention called for by the reconstruction with the living diorama and dialogue with the military. "The meeting with characters who really existed el'assistere to incidents actually took place is very beautiful," said Lamberto Stefanini association 'La Rana by Mouth Large '. "The living diorama helps to remember the truth to the audience, expressing their emotions so well," said Claudio Contri. Annalisa Calabria is translating the diary of an American soldier and said: "Very interesting to watch the true story." Mirco Rinaldi is accompanied by her son, little Frank: "I am a seeker and war relics in these areas I found different." Professor Anna Pozzi received considerable interest in the representation: "It's understanding history as experienced by individuals." Marialuisa Menegatto added: "I really liked it." Jan Pascal Marcacci decision: "The dead are all respected. The no ideas. " Giancarlo Rivera held the final conference and wanted to remember: "The history of the Bologna wartime still has much to tell."