Thursday, December 24, 2009

Phrases About Being Strong

Lego 1440 rpm V8

Buon natale

Ceiling Fan Diagram India


Scene In Veritas wishes everyone a Merry Christmas

and a 2010 full of surprises and great moments to remember!

See Wednesday, January 27, 21:00
to commemorate Memorial Day

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Script For Killing Us Softly

Conspiracy Unable to Verrès (1 Submission)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Rollercoaster 3 Securom Original Cd

Small-Sunday, December 20-The drummer TADZEBAO!

Vi aspettiamo

Domenica 20 dicembre, ore 16.00
presso Spazio ISV
Via Einaudi, 23 - fraz. Rotta, Travacò Siccomario (PV)

per assistere alle magiche avventure de

…e i suoi libri…ops…
…un topo con gli occhiali…e le sue favole…ops...
…un vecchio Mastro Libraio e i suoi piccoli amici...

produzione In Scena Veritas
sceneggiatura e regia Maria Rita Minchiotti
scenografia e costumi Edoardo Russo
con Alessandro Chieregato, Massimo Giacomantonio, Mauela Malaga

La dolce favola di un vecchio Mastro Libraio e di un buffo Topastrino dai grandi occhiali, aiutati a risolvere i loro guai e i loro sogni da un eccentrico e magico Tamburino Tadzebao.

Un buffo topo si aggira per la bottega polverosa di un vecchio e stanco Mastro Libraio, mordicchiando e leggendo con gran curiosità montagne di libri.

Mentre il vecchio Libraio da la caccia al piccolo Topastrino senza dargli tregua, un misterioso Tamburino Tadzebao appare magicamente tra gli scaffali, aiutando con le sue magiche e rocambolesche parole il Topastrino a riportare l’amore per la lettura nel cuore del vecchio Libraio.

Echoes of classic and modern stories and adventures are the setting of three characters, which together will teach children all over the Moondo how beautiful it is to read books ... oops ... i Tadzio Books!

After the show we can exchange greetings
in a festive atmosphere with
sweet snack offered by the Social Balançin Farm!

Admission Euro 5.00 Children (under 3 years free) - Euro 8.00 adults


! Reservations recommended!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tamil Marriage Invitation

December 12, 2009, 21:00 - THE MANUSCRIPT GUSTAV

December 12, 2009, at 21:00

Area ISV
Via Einaudi, 23 - fraz. Duff-Travacò Siccomario

the course "Production ISV"


taken from "Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)" by A. MacDonald

Malaga director Manuela, Maria Elisa Calderoni

with Viviana Baratti, Lorenza Bellinzone, Elena Bodini, Elizabeth Corona, Gianluca Di Half, Mark Giacomantonio, Lorenzo Longhi, Daniele Mancuso, Maurizio Quartiroli, Gianluca Re, Elisa Sarchi, Marco Tobacco Francesca Timi.

It starts with an idea quite amusing: that is, that the great tragedies of Shakespeare are not born as such, should be considered comedy but missed. In fact, that the Bard has plundered the works - and far more pleasant to read - an author's previous, changing the final cut and intentions. to support the limelight is a dizzy and frustrated spinster English scholar, assistant and ghost-writer of a teacher who loves without hope. At one point, projected from a spell in another time and space letters, she falls in Cyprus while Iago is suggesting the first doubts in the mind of Othello, and then in the Verona of Romeo and Juliet, right where Tybalt and Mercutio are about the fatal duel that will precipitate the affair. So, a little 'clumsy, has the opportunity to test his theory, warning the Moro deception of the handkerchief, and Tybalt informing that he is now related to Romeo. Needless to say, with its interventions, the ineffable Constance Ledbelly get enough other than the desired effects ...

As always we will close the evening with tarallucci and wine!

Reservations recommended!
Ticket Euro 10.00, reduced by law Euro 8.00

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hotels To Host Birthday Party Bangalore

Veberdì 27 and Sunday, November 29 - Double date with Small Levees and Embankments

double appointment with embankments and small theater festival Levees

Friday, November 27, 21:00 - Delirio two +1

Sunday, November 29, 16:00 - Flying with Otis

Via Einaudi, 23 - fraz. Route Travacò Siccomario



Friday, November 27, 2009, 21:00

Delirio two +1

Delirio taken from two E.
of Ionesco and Alessandro Chieregato, Sandro La Manna, Manuela Malaga

Two lovers, for years, wants to humiliate him and insult each other. Enclosed within four walls shaken by tremors the noise of gunfire and grenades, the two do not stop to ask whether the turtle and the snail is about the same animal. Only concerned with their petty squabbles, in a total closure of emotional and rational face of the tragedies of others around them do not realize that the world is being convulsed by civil war.

As always we will close the evening with tarallucci and wine!
Ticket Euro 10.00, reduced by law Euro 8.00

Delirio two + 1 will be staged on Saturday 28 November, at 21.00
Fagnana Auditorium - Via Tiziano, 7 - Buccinasco
Ingresso € 9.00 (intero) ed € 7.00 (ridotto fino a 15 anni e over 65).
Per informazioni: tel. 335316789 - 3495857267

Piccoli Argini

Domenica 29 novembre 2009, ore 16:00

In volo con Otis

Tratto dal libro di Cristina Nera e Anna Gallotti In volo con Otis
con Elisa Calderoni, Alessandro Chieregato, M.Rita Minchiotti,

Giuseppe Muliere, Veronica Varesi Monti
regia Manuela Malaga

Otis è un cucciolo di assiolo che grazie alle amorose cure di mamma Grigia e papà Ramo un bel giorno rompe il guscio of its egg and sees the world for the first time. Between flight tests and demonstrations of courage Otis prepares for his first big move: the migration south. The beautiful family of scops owls will stop in various places of our country meet friends and hostile characters. Otis until he realizes he has become great and to finally fly solo to freedom.

the competition continues D isegna here your favorite character

Following the usual snacks for all!
Ticket Euro 8.00, children over 3 years euro 5.00

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Family Tax Benefit Calculator

Richard Galliano playing Libertango

Da vedere e ascoltare.....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ash And Dawn In Pokemon

WRC San Remo Rally 1979


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

For Sale Dinghy Rs Fever

theater festival Saturday, 21 November, 21.00-HOUDINI 'LEMOKO' Levees

Prosegue la rassegna Argini teatro festival

Sabato 21 Novembre 2009,ore 21:00

presso lo SPAZIO ISV
Via Einaudi, 23 - fraz. Rotta di Travacò Siccomario

con piacere ospitiamo



di e con Diego Draghi e Edoardo Mirabella

regia F. Niccolini

Una scena da teatrino francese inizio Novecento.
La scena è il regno di Houdinì, mago invasato, ciarlatano eppure convinto dei propri poteri magici e soprannaturali. Crede assolutamente a quello che dice, almeno così pare.
La consolle è il regno di Lemokò magician assistant, mad folly of another, compared to his master, is agitated, a huge fan of music and dance, dangerous, even when dangerous objects in his hand and weapons of all kinds.

Harry Houdini is the pseudonym of Eric Weiss. Born in Budapest March 24, 1874 and died on Halloween 1926 in New York. He was one of the most famous illusionists made famous by his escape impossible. He was able to free himself from handcuffs, chains, ropes and straitjackets in the public eye.

Ticket Euro 10.00, reduced to Euro 8.00

As always tarallucci and wine after the show for everyone!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Waxing Legs Before Or After Shower


Dopo un mese di stop aggiorniamo il BLOG, dopo un mese molto demanding in terms of work. Change after so many years is very challenging. We started from scratch and there is' to make a considerable effort really put us ... then tares mental and you're done. There 'to get a bunch absurd!
in Lugano
My workstation with a fountain and colorful pictures of Guru C #. We hope you watch over me.
Ummarell before the demolition of the hotel in Lugano. Like him I also envy the lucky fly than the GRU.
operation of the float process.
To fix it I am cut off the index with the bread knife and I threatened that I would end up in half an eye on the nail used to fix the float, for the series: you are at home to do the jobs that can not 'happen nothing
After half an hour I managed to fix the float process. Using a red-hot nail, washers made by assembling some of the furnishings and Camping glue. After 3 weeks of the ravine tapullo work.

TV SERIES: or how to spend the autumn evenings watching TV without crime news and advertising.
Terminator The Sarah Connor
we finished seeing the second series, which deluzione monstrous! Really a trenoperso. Writers' demented and incapable. They have lost a wonderful train.
end of the first set. FORCE GAIUS!!

various things
iPhone and Cippone
That is the real phone soap and sad imitation of China.
great wings!
The advertising of the SGA are always hilarious!
Spectacle of Demolition in Lugano. all with a bulldozer .. in less than three weeks, for the happiness of all the pensioners!
In one week he did this work
A really GREAT!

Plan ..
plan to make the sun come up ....

An old refurbished train flawlessly. It makes you think that there is a glimmer of hope for the poor commuters ...
The train of SHAME! Be given to the flames? No, maybe clean enough! If you do not take the swine take to secure the cholera!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

How Many Inches Is A Size 11 Shoe

Small-Sunday, November 8 - L ' Magic Tinderbox

continues Review Small Levees

Sunday, November 8, 16:00
ISV-Space at Via Einaudi, 23
fraz. Route Travacò Siccomario
(reservations 339.5373945)

with Bear Theatre / THEATRE IN EUROPE

The lock MAGIC

loosely based on the fairy tale magic The lock of HC Andersen

Text theatrical Bonzani Bernardino, Ilaria Gerbella
Bernardino Bonzani
Directed By Ilaria Gerbella

all begins when a young soldier returning from war, meets an old witch sitting under a tree.

The woman asks him to enter the cavity of the tree to retrieve an old tinder-box once belonged to her, the young man accepts. It is from this meeting that the youth will be involved in a series of adventures that will carry him in a fantasy world.

After the show as usual for all SNACK for everyone!
also continues COMPETITION "Draw your favorite character here" , the authors of the selected design will win entry to the last show for kids review!

! Reservations recommended!

Admission Euro 5.00 (children under 3 years free) Adults € 8.00-

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Vegeta Na Carnival Cruise

October 25-Children and adults in the theater for free for the Feast of the Theatre! The fourth edition of the Review

We look forward to Sunday, October 25 at the

two appointments to
to 16.00 - Children's Theater and at 21.00

After the show, the afternoon tea and evening rinfesco
offered by Social Farm Balaçin

16.00 - Have you ever seen a wing?
(Children's Theater - Production Scene In Veritas)

Adapted from Alice in Wonderland by L. Directed by Carroll
Luca Ramella
Bianchessi with Laura, Alessandro Chieregato, Elisa Calderoni, Mauro Cattaneo, Luca Longhi
A colorful spectacle which tells of an 'Alice lost in a world of incredible adventure impossible to meet a succession of cute ... Alice and curious characters that draw in a fantasy world, where it is normal to celebrate their "non-birthday", where the flowers sing, rabbits run after the time that flies, and a furious Queen can not bear to lose the ball game.

But it's all just a dream?

The party continues to
at 21.00 with 3 - (Production Scene In Veritas)
loosely based on Richard III by William Shakespeare

Directed and adapted by Laura Luca Ramella
Bianchessi, Andrea Bonelli, Luca Ramella, Jacopo Volpi
Assistant Director: Luca Longhi
A director and three actors, a show to be staged. A tragedy, or tragedy, the Richard III by William Shakespeare. A game show to explore the mechanisms that lead the public to prefer "bad" character and the influence of a "negative", as Richard of Gloucester, about actors and spectators. A modular set design, costumes essential e l'ausilio di filmati per la rappresentazione di una storia immortale raccontata in modo moderno e accattivante.

a seguire ospiteremo il progetto
Direzione Angela Giassi
Aiuto regia Beppe Bettani
Assistente alla regia Sara Fazia Mercadante
Studio del movimento e coreografie di Caroline Haenel
Costumi di Maria Giassi
In Scena: Paolo Albini, Michele Bellinzona, Irene Borchi, Paolo Ciccone, Paolo Schifitto, Graziella Spezzacatena, Irene Squizzato, Cristina Quarta.
La performance “SORELLE PLAY 01” è il primo step del progetto " Sorelle", intorno al tema dei rapporti tra fratelli e sorelle, giocando con il testo “Le Serve “ J. Genet and "Three Sisters" by A. Chekhov. However, ours is a very serious game. We guide the drama of the texts, but above all the spirit of experimentation that we pursue. The actors are on stage with no certainty, each has studied all the parts of the text, all the steps, and continues to experience the infinite possible variations.

After the show in the afternoon and evening are waiting for a 'good snacks and refreshments. Bread, salami, cheese, jams, honey ... and more ... all offered by the Social Balançin Farm ..... COME!

Info and reservations 339.5373945

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pokemon Platinum Chart

Levees Theatre Festival - a stage between two rivers

Here are the events of the theatrical exhibition 2009/2010
We look forward as always!



Have you ever seen a wing? - Production ISV

ARGINE at 21.00

R3 - Production ISV





SMALL embankments - Sunday 8 16.00

the tinderbox Magic

Bear Theatre (Reggio Emilia)

embankments - Saturday 21 at 21.00

Houdini Lemokò
- Travelling Theatre

embankments - Friday 27 at 21.00

Delirio two
+ 1
- Production ISV

SMALL embankments - Sunday 29 16.00

In Flight with Otis
- Production ISV


embankments - Saturday 12 21:00

Manuscript Gustav

Production (ISVs Laboratory 3rd year production)

SMALL embankments - Sunday 20 16.00

The Drummer Tadzebao
- Production ISV

MEMORIAL DAY - January 27

ARGINE 21.00

Stars Wanderers

because the wind does not take away - Production ISV


embankments - Saturday 13 21:00


ATIR (Milan)

SMALL embankments - Sunday 21 16.00

Sea Ah! - Production ISV


SMALL embankments - Sunday 14 16.00

ISV New Business Children's Theater

Presentation on the theme of Waste

in collaboration with the Province of Pavia

Environment Division

ARGINE - Saturday 27 21:00

The man who will save the world


Production in collaboration with the Province of Pavia

Environment Division


SMALL embankments - Sunday 11 16.00

Chip & Dale - Travelling Theatre

embankments - Saturday 17 21:00

Hearts Land

Bear Theatre (Reggio Emilia)


embankments - Saturday 8th 21.00

Children of Hel - Production ISV

ARGINE Admission Euro 10.00 (whole) - Euro 8.00 (small bills) - Following refreshments

SMALL ARGINE - Children's Theater
Admission Adults Euro 8.00 - Children € 5.00 (free for up to three years) - Following snack

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Women Who Like To Pin Men Down

yet wise! 20:21 June-wise first and third

Last weekend ISV essays for school!

Saturday 20 at 16.00 and 21.00 - Course Guidance (1 year)
Sunday, June 21, 2009, 21 hours Course - "Production" (3rd year) also

Sunday after the show celebrate together the end of courses! (Music, wine, snacks and lots of fun!)

Area ISV - Via Einaudi, 23
fraz. Route Travacò Siccomario (PV)

Saturday 20 at 16.00 and 21.00 The Course "Orientation " ISV (1 year) has

"Animal Farm" by G. Orwell
director: Andrea Bonelli / M.Rita Minchiotti

Storia di una rivoluzione fallita. Gli animali di una fattoria si ribellano alla tirannia degli uomini e instaurano una società di eguali. Ma presto i maiali, più intelligenti e organizzati, si impongono sugli altri animali più semplici e docili. Apparentemente i maiali lavorano per il bene comune, ma in realtà vogliono solo mantenere il potere. Gli ideali proclamati al tempo della rivoluzione vengono progressivamente traditi e gli animali subiscono gli stessi maltrattamenti e privazioni conosciuti sotto il dominio degli uomini. Grazie all'ignoranza e all'opera di disinformazione a danno degli animali, i maiali si impadroniscono degli utili della fattoria e sfruttano senza scrupolo alcuno le risorse a vantaggio del proprio benessere. I nuovi leaders, sostituitisi agli uomini, finiscono col non distinguersi più dagli uomini. Degli alti principi di fraternità e uguaglianza che avevano ispirato la ribellione ne è rimasto ormai solo uno: "Tutti gli animali sono uguali, ma alcuni sono più uguali degli altri".

Ingresso euro 5.00 - vivamente consigliata la prenotazione ( 339.5373945)

Domenica 21 Giugno 2009, ore 21.00

Il Corso "Produzione" ISV (3° anno)


"Buonanotte Desdemona (Buongiorno Giulietta)" di A. MacDonald

director: Manuela Malaga

It starts with an idea quite amusing: that is, that the great tragedies of Shakespeare are not born as such, should be considered comedy but missed. In fact, that the Bard has plundered the works - and far more pleasant to read - an author's previous, changing the final cut and intentions. To support the limelight is a dizzy and frustrated spinster English scholar, assistant and ghost-writer of a teacher who loves without hope. At one point, projected from a spell in another time and space letters, she falls in Cyprus while Iago is suggesting the first doubts in the mind of Othello, and then in the Verona of Romeo and Juliet, Tybalt and Mercutio right there where are preparing the fatal duel that will precipitate the affair. So, a little 'clumsy, has the opportunity to test his theory, warning the Moro deception of the handkerchief, and Tybalt informing that he is now related to Romeo. Needless to say, with its interventions, the ineffable Constance Ledbelly get enough other than the desired effects ...

Admission € 5.00 - reservation highly recommended (339.5373945)