capacity will not be touched health district of Castiglione Messer Marino
"Posso rassicurare tutti i cittadini di Castiglione Messer Marino che non ci sarà nessun ridimensionamento del Distretto sanitario di Base e affermare che le voci circolate in questi giorni sono assolutamente infondate. Il direttore sanitario della Asl Lanciano – Chieti – Vasto, Amedeo Budassi a seguito del mio intervento si è Castiglione went on to provide all the details and confirm the company's future health strategies. " E 'as the regional minister said Mauro Febbo intervened to dampen the alarm has spread in recent days between the country's population in the province of Chieti and generated a mobilization, at this point, justified. "The health district of Castiglione Messer Marino - says Mauro Febbo - as confirmed by the statements of the Director Budassi continues to play its role and that will be regularly in the future. I want to reassure the public that are conjured absolutely breaks or inconvenience of any kind. It is also necessary to emphasize that the commitment of all, local authorities and healthcare company, is up and reiterates that this will ensure that the public is not deprived of basic services so important. " As predicted by Febbo, the medical director of the Asl has categorically denied any possibility of reorganization of the District of Castiglione Messer Marino will continue to work and provide its valuable services thanks to the commitment of all stakeholders. The same Budassi Health Authority reaffirmed its resolve to not only maintain but to strengthen the district's role in keeping the commitments with the City Council, giving the structure of an ambulance with a driver. The ASL inter alia has no intention of further defections to create an area that has already been penalized because of their geographical location and the downsizing that has affected a nearby hospital in Agnone. As already pointed out in recent days, the premises will be arranged and completed the second floor of the structure so that we can provide a greater number of health services, this confirms the fact that there will be no reduction of specialist services.
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