Monday, February 21, 2011

Denise Milani Transparencias Desnudo

"The Last Summer Win"

Documentario "l'ultima estate di Vinca"
prodotto da "MAKECULTURE" di Samuele Pucci

In the days between 24 and 27 August 1944 the village of Vinca, in Lunigiana, was almost totally destroyed by fire hanged by Nazi troops, decimated its people.
was one of many, too many episodes that you saw in Italy after the September 8, 1943, which then began guerrilla warfare. The victims were
Vinca 174. Killed innocent people just because they met along the way, women and children mowed down without mercy by blows of gunfire.
Nobody has ever had because of the certainty of this criminal act. The most likely hypothesis is that it was a terrorist act in order to discourage people to provide help and support for uomini della resistenza che operavano nella zona.
Celso Battaglia , allora bambino di undici anni, sopravvisse alla strage, ma la sua vita fu segnata dal dolore. La sua testimonianza è raccolta in questo cortometraggio.

"MAKECULTURE" di Samuele Pucci -

Can I Use A Scr File For My Desktop?

E 'began the new European project "Sharing Memories at the European School (SEM @ S)

E' iniziato il progetto "Sharing European Memories at School" SEM@S

L'obettivo del progetto è:

To develop a teaching methodology enabling teachers to include a topic related to the Historical Memory in schools, facilitating insertion in the ITS HAVING As Object scholar curricula and the elaboration of a final team work to be developed by students in an attractive support.

Spain: Rosa Martínez and Mikel Errazkin (ARANZADI) - Italy : Federica and Massimo Young Turks (FUTURE) - Norway : Eystein Ellingsen, Tore Bjorn and Jens Anders Rosendahl Rivesand ( ARKIVET) - Poland : Arek Marciniak (Adam Mickiewicz University) - Slovenia : Aljosa Grilc and Dita Uhr (PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KRANJ) - England: Emma King and Tracy Craggs (Royal Armouries)

Brazilian Horney Women

26 and Feb. 27 - THE PROCESS

26 and February 27, at 21:00


Via Einaudi, 23, fraz. Route Travacò Siccomanrio

Scene In Veritas presents its new production

"The Trial" by Franz Kafka

with Luca Ramella
translation and adaptation: Laura Bianchessi - Director: Luke and Laura Bianchessi Ramella.

"Someone must have slandered Josef K. because he had not done anything wrong he was arrested one morning."
It 's the story dark and incomprehensible bank clerk Josef K., who is accused of a crime and sees an unknown given the tragic fate of a mysterious tribunale.
Un montaggio cinematografico ed una miriade di personaggi e situazioni affidate ad un unico attore, per la messa in scena moderna e originale di uno dei più grandi romanzi della letteratura contemporanea.


Ingresso Euro 10.00 (ridotto di legge Euro 8.00)

Per info e prenotazioni: 339.5373945

Dopo lo spettacolo tarallucci e vino!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Grill London Broil

Sunday, February 20, at 16 - PIPPI Scarr E!

DOMENICA 20 febbraio , ore 16.00
torna Piccoli Argini, la rassegna di teatro ragazzi

Area at ISV, via Einaudi, 23 - fraz. Route Travacò Siccomario


Scarr and Pippi, a night not to throw!

Adapted from Scarr and Pippi - A night not to throw the book
environmental education for school year 2009/10 Cinzia Bianchi
published by the Province of Pavia

Production Scene In Veritas
Reduction theater edited by M. Elisa Calderoni
with Alessandro La Manna, Manuela Malaga, Muliere
Director Joseph M. Alessandro Calderoni and Elisa Chieregato

The show Scarr and Pippi is included in environmental education activities in the Province of Pavia, environmental protection sector

Una notte, in cui la luna e le nubi curiose fanno da contorno, una guardia ecologica volontaria, Gev, ha deciso di scoprire chi è il "malandrino" che rovina quello che una volta era un bel giardinetto, ora ingombrato da rifiuti di vario genere.
Arrivato al giardinetto Gev La Guardia incontra i suoi due abitatori: la Maestra Scarra Faggio e il suo amico e vicino Pippi Strello.
Comincia così uno strano viaggio nella storia dei rifiuti che si concluderà con la consegna alla maestra Scarra di un importante libricino da utilizzare a scuola
e che contiene un messaggio importante, un messaggio che la maestra dovrà insegnare ai suoi allievi.

Un racconto fantasioso sulla gestione dei rifiuti dall’epoca romana now he uses the word fun to combine history, environmental education and civic education, respect for themselves and their places, care and love for the world around us.

After the show: as usual snack for everyone!

BACK THE COMPETITION "Draw your favorite character!"

the three selected designs win a ticket for the next show on stage March 6, Tadzebao The Drummer!

! Reservations recommended!

Admission Euro 5.00 (Children under 3 free)-Euro 8.00 adults


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Funeral Programme Template

Camp Hale: Takes 10th mountain critical positions

Riportiamo l'articolo tratto da
Camp Hale: 10th takes critical mountain positions
German Gothic line broken
By Lauren Moran
Friday, February 4, 2011

Called into World War II in early 1945 to capture Italy's northernmost Apennine Mountains from the German stronghold, the 10th Mountain Division succeeded where no other Allied soldiers had before.
As the sun set on February 18, 1945, the men of the 10th prepared to take Riva Ridge. This particular ridge held the German observatory post and was therefore crucial to defeating the German Gothic line across Italy. Holding off German counterattacks, Riva Ridge was finally in Allied hands and the battle continued for the rest of the surrounding ridges — Mount Belvedere, Mount Gorgolesco and Mount della Torraccia.
On the night of February 19, the main assault on Mount Belvedere began. Soldiers were assigned various objectives, but their overall goal was the same: take these mountains and hold them, no matter what. As they started up Belvedere, the attack orders were to carry bayonets and unloaded weapons, which made many men uneasy. As veteran Jim Barr recalls: “I didn't like it and I don't think many of the guys did. But the general knew that if we did fire them, the flash would give away our position, and we would be in worse shape than if we didn't do it. For all practical purposes, we were soundless.”
The Germans, who had long occupied these ridges, were alerted of the 10th's positions by minefields. Deadly artillery fire began to hit the division. “You fire at the enemy but you can't see him because it's black, you stumble over barbed wire, and all you know if that you tried to do the things that you're supposed to do and the rest is chance,” said Bob Parker, another 10th veteran. Working his way up the mountain, Newc Eldredge “could hear voice that I knew — they were in those minefields! And then when the Germans started lobbing in all that mortar fire, the men began to run. You could recognize the screams — that was really unnerving.”
Under tremendous mortar fire and horrific minefield explosions, the men of the 10th struggled up Belvedere and to the hills beyond. Hugh Evans, fueled by anger of a friend's death, took on an entire field of Germans alone on Mount Gorgolesco and captured two machine-gun nests. For this incredible act of bravery, he was awarded the Silver Star.
After four agonizing days of battle, the 10th controlled most of the Mount Belvedere area, but were still fighting, beyond, for Mount della Terraccia. Finally, on February 24, Lt. Col. John Hay's 86th Regiment, part of the 10th Mountain Division, captured that hill. “And the Germans wanted that back, they couldn't afford to let us keep it. So they counterattacked for a couple of days and we were low on ammunition, rations, everything else. … I don't think there was a yard of ground that wasn't hit with a mortar or artillery shell, and I was afraid I'd lost most of my soldiers, from the intense fire. And then they attacked and we did a magnificent job and held the positions…,” Hay said. The 10th's determination and resilience held off the furious German counterattacks.
At last, Germany's invincible ridgeline in Italy's northernmost Apennines had been shattered. As Hay acknowledges, “The assault on Belvedere, Riva Ridge and della Torraccia was a division effort. Every unit in the division participated.”
The 10th broke the German Gothic line and did not stop moving forward. They continued into the Po Valley, headed north, and Hay recalls that Commanding General George Hays said, “I don't think they'll ever catch us.”

David Leach's 2005 senior thesis for Middlebury College, “The Impact of the Tenth Mountain Division on the Development of a Modern Ski Industry in Colorado and Vermont: 1930-1965.”
“Fire on the Mountain,” First Run Features/Gage & Gage Productions, 1995.
“The Last Ridge,” Abbie Kealy, 2007.
Colorado Ski & Snowboard Museum archives

Trust Deed Religious (christian)-format

Saturday, 12 February, 21.00 - EN PASSANT

For the second appointment with review Argini Teatro Festival
lo SPAZIO ISV ha il piacere di ospitare "La Cattiva Compagnia" di Lucca

SABATO 12 Febbraio 2011, ore 21:00

presso lo SPAZIO ISV (Via Einaudi, 23 - fraz. Rotta di Travacò Siccomario)

va in scena La Cattiva Compagnia in

"En passant"

di Raymond Queneau

Regia: Giovanni Fedeli - Con: Filippo Battaglia, Roberto Benedetti, Alessandro Cinquini, Elisa D'Agostino, Ilenia Ridolfi, Tiziana Rinaldi,Tiziano Rovai.

Nei misteriosi e sinistri sotterranei del metrò di una grande città, si incontrano alcuni personaggi alla deriva,alcuni dei quali are some stragglers that survive by their wits, while others are petty thrill-seeking.
All of them seem to be just passing travelers, "en passant", hurried people waiting for a subway that will lead them home, or who knows where, but in reality
linger in this place disreputable, who dedicated to skullduggery , who in search of fleeting love affairs,
who lost in the pathetic illusion that he had found the overwhelming love, who is now embroiled in dangerous and repetitive menages.

These premises give rise to paradoxical situations and plots and surprising, in a whirling, dynamic series of events and emotions, and covered lightly with a good dose of sarcasm and black humor.

Admission Euro 10.00 (reduced Euro law 8.00)
For info and reservations: 339.5373945

AS ALWAYS THE EVENING'll just end up tarallucci and wine! COME!