Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cold Sore Black People

two days for the Memory, Saturday 29 and Sunday, January 30

Dear Friends and Partners ISVs
For two days, Saturday 29 and Sunday, January 30, onstage Space ISV celebrate Memorial Day in memory of Holocaust victims.
Here is the program in detail:

Saturday, January 29, at 21:00
Area ISV - Via Einaudi, 23, Travacò Siccomario

the Association of Theatrical Scene In Veritas
Yossl and Peter, the envy of Cain
By Andrea Bonelli and Alessandro La Manna
Giacomantonio and director Massimo Rossi Tiziano

Two actors: Peter, German dealer in ruins after the Treaty of Versailles that has annihilated his Germany and
Yossl, tailor, jew who leads a quiet life in that of Warsaw.
The existence of the two protagonists are wrapped and touching without ever meeting - separated forever by an impenetrable veil of prejudice - and through the decades since the end of World War I, leading to the Holocaust.
A show that is first and foremost a chronicle of two lives and as many who can explain to the public a ruthless analysis of the roads that led to extermination.

klezmer and traditional Jewish
arranged by RoytKlezmorim

Camilla Giordano - Violin, Viola
Fernando Rossi - Clarinet
Dalò Ambrose - Guitar pedals and electronic
Paul Malusardi. Accordion, Bandoneon
Marco Sannella - Bass
De Giacomo Barbieri - Percussion

gennanio Sunday 30, 16.00
after replication of the show
Yossl and Peter, the envy of Cain

will play on stage the young students' course ISV Adocrescere Improvising, six boys aged between 12 and 16 years, who will present an open rehearsal devoted to monologues of Memory ... (Text taken from "The Boy in the Pyjamas Striped "- novel by John Boyne and Mark Herman's film of the same name, from" Life is Beautiful, Roberto Benigni's Oscar film and the novel "Diary of Anne Frank", by A. Frank.

"The Monologues Memory ... "
with Matt Cafiero, Ada Damiani, Giulia Comotti, Sara Filippini, Gabriela Perez, Rebecca Zucchini
Teacher: Rita M. Minchiotti

you there!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Greg Secker Wikipedia

"Jacqueline and the magic beans"-Sunday, January 23

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Physiologist And Stroke

Livergnano: From the land re-emerge a cross and a helmet

Dal "Resto del Carlino - Bologna" dell'8 gennaio 2011

Dalla earth emerge a cross and a helmet
are the remains of two soldiers
These Germans. Found with metal detector

of PAUL BRIGHENTI -PIANORO-"When, after three hours of digging, I unearthed a German helmet and a skull fragment, the emotion was really great." Salvatore Licciardone who, together with Antonio Arca, on Sunday has found the remains of two German soldiers, remember the moments that have brought to light the remnants of the fallen soldiers during the Second World War. It all started some time ago, the stories of the elderly to Livergnano remembered that the presence of a cross planted at the edge of a cliff pianorese in the village, in the 'long winter of 44', was in full Gothic Line. The two researchers, who work with local 'Museum-Winter Line' directed by Umberto Magnani, began to scour a wide area in detail before arriving at the discovery of yesterday. With the help of metal detectors and digging deep, about 70 cm, have come to the discovery of two dead soldiers. The two bodies, presumably hit by mortar shells had been buried with their belongings.
addition to the helmets have been found an apprenticeship with the initials MT SS, a pocket knife, buttons and buckles, two uniforms, one pair of boots from the German Alps ancora allacciati e diversi caricatori. Un’ipotesi sulla causa del tragico episodio di guerra è supportata da un grosso frammento di bomba da mortaio incastrata fra la tibia e il perone. I resti dei due corpi, dopo i rilevamenti del caso, sono stati esaminati dal comandante della stazione dei carabinieri di Pianoro. Al termine degli accertamenti, saranno portati al cimitero di guerra della Futa che si trova sulla ex-strada statale della Futa che collega Bologna a Firenze. Riposeranno per sempre insieme agli oltre 30mila camerati sepolti nei dodici ettari del più grande cimitero tedesco in Italia, iniziato nel 1961 e inaugurato nel giugno del 1969, mentre gli oggetti personali rinvenuti, saranno esposti al ‘Museo Winter-Line’ di Livergnano. Inizieranno invece fra pochi giorni le indagini in collaborazione con il ‘Museo di guerra’ di Dresda, che potrebbero portare a individuare l’identità dei due militari tedeschi. Un elemento che potrebbe risultare di estrema importanza per dare ampio respiro alle ricerche di una
scoperta storica di rilevante interesse.
IN QUESTO ritrovamento si conferma quindi l’importanza e la vitalità del piccolo museo di Livergnano www.livergnano.org/the-winter-line/ che si trova in una grotta naturale, divenuto rifugio per carri armati tedeschi che, in assenza di ‘proiettili intelligenti’, non potevano essere in alcun modo colpiti. Qui sono custoditi innumerevoli reperti del secondo conflitto mondiale, poche armi but many items that give a glimpse into the daily lives of the two armies, the German and Allied, which fought during the final stages leading up to the liberation of our country.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Is It Possible To Send Credit Optus To Telstra

"Men in War on the Gothic Line" 2010: Massacre of 22,432 visits

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ejaculation In Vergina

Among the festivals and anniversaries ...

December 25, 2010
Christmas with your family .. here are the pictures of the table laid for the first pre natal family in Como Brambilla. Tablecloth
of Genoa, TV Cucchi and IKEA furniture, the house of Mary.
People of all backgrounds, from the islands of the Mediterranean to the eastern lands Financo borders the Black Sea
The week between Christmas and New Year that had to be you and relax 'into a incubetto, on Thursday' evening I came home from Lugano 22.30.
one big satisfaction were:
Convingere a colleague who was very arrogant to see the series of Being Erica
have worked for 1 / 2 day Friday at home ' morning, sparing the delay of 20 'usual well-known that from Milano Centrale train 18480 (7:35) arrives at Chiasso (8:28), cross and delight of commuting across the border.
Then came the day of the long New Year's we.
Friday, 'Dec. 31
Last year we pass in serenitade with the mouse, his parents. Among multiple fantasy of good and very nice appetizers. The
ois indulges itself and creates a pourpurries delights of vegetative formaggesce
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The Lounge comes to life with the little Cate, who looked his spaparanza Tom & Jerry
Saturday, January 1st to adventurous excursion
In Biani Bobbio Barzio above. In less than one hour we are on track from BoB.
And here's the star of the day, the CATE.
With the trusty blue here is the super granddaughter.
Unfortunately, time is running out and we the little one he goes with Pa and Ma Zena
Sunday, January 2
Wake up at 5:10, breakfast, dressing, are at 6:20 Arluno.
Then at 8:30 we are in Aosta.
At 9:10 you go up with the runway Chamolet 3 red pile.
All exposures with PAL and Cristian (there are reminders of the absent George and Luke).
in Pila, who inaugurated 'the monkey ski dell'epinoderma already' in March of two years ago, it's June 'pi' three times to the beautiful track.
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where they inaugurated the deep-red, that dala cui partenza si biforca sulla destra una bella nera.
DAlla foto si puo’ apprezzare quanto piccola fosse aosta la giu’ in fondo.
Non e’ stato facile, me la son fatta qua si addosso, ma ho riportato la pellaccia a casa!
Il lato positivo e’ che NON sono mai caduto, non ho mai avuto quella spiacevole senzazione, s enon in un solo attimo sulla neve farinosa.
Non tutto oro e’ cio’ che luccica, visto che ho rischiato una congestione causa freddoe  riproposizione in area esofagea della salciccia e polenta mangiata alle 12.30.
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Qunado da qui ho guardato sotto… Well yes, 'and your ass is' not a little tight ... especially to see the sign for the Black really made me feel, I'm not ready for something like this, more 'that the fear of failing and' own dizziness, see the descent so 'long pending and counterslope, I just can not digest it ... so tuttoa left, go down the cuile 2 (or whatever they call it is run)
done this' you can' return to home strastracchi.
To make the jelly with a good minestronzo
To see a nice
Lie To Me And Happy New Year to the sleeping
