October 25-Children and adults in the theater for free for the Feast of the Theatre! The fourth edition of the Review
We look forward to Sunday, October 25 at the
two appointments to
to 16.00 - Children's Theater and at 21.00
After the show, the afternoon tea and evening rinfesco
offered by Social Farm Balaçin 16.00 - Have you ever seen a wing? (Children's Theater - Production Scene In Veritas)
Adapted from Alice in Wonderland by L. Directed by Carroll
Luca Ramella
Bianchessi with Laura, Alessandro Chieregato, Elisa Calderoni, Mauro Cattaneo, Luca Longhi
A colorful spectacle which tells of an 'Alice lost in a world of incredible adventure impossible to meet a succession of cute ... Alice and curious characters that draw in a fantasy world, where it is normal to celebrate their "non-birthday", where the flowers sing, rabbits run after the time that flies, and a furious Queen can not bear to lose the ball game.
But it's all just a dream?
The party continues to
R at 21.00 with 3 - (Production Scene In Veritas)
loosely based on Richard III by William Shakespeare
Directed and adapted by Laura Luca Ramella
Bianchessi, Andrea Bonelli, Luca Ramella, Jacopo Volpi
Assistant Director: Luca Longhi
A director and three actors, a show to be staged. A tragedy, or tragedy, the Richard III by William Shakespeare. A game show to explore the mechanisms that lead the public to prefer "bad" character and the influence of a "negative", as Richard of Gloucester, about actors and spectators. A modular set design, costumes essential e l'ausilio di filmati per la rappresentazione di una storia immortale raccontata in modo moderno e accattivante.
a seguire ospiteremo il progetto
SORELLE PLAY 01 Direzione Angela Giassi
Aiuto regia Beppe Bettani
Assistente alla regia Sara Fazia Mercadante
Studio del movimento e coreografie di Caroline Haenel
Costumi di Maria Giassi
In Scena: Paolo Albini, Michele Bellinzona, Irene Borchi, Paolo Ciccone, Paolo Schifitto, Graziella Spezzacatena, Irene Squizzato, Cristina Quarta.
La performance “SORELLE PLAY 01” è il primo step del progetto " Sorelle", intorno al tema dei rapporti tra fratelli e sorelle, giocando con il testo “Le Serve “ J. Genet and "Three Sisters" by A. Chekhov. However, ours is a very serious game. We guide the drama of the texts, but above all the spirit of experimentation that we pursue. The actors are on stage with no certainty, each has studied all the parts of the text, all the steps, and continues to experience the infinite possible variations.
After the show in the afternoon and evening are waiting for a 'good snacks and refreshments. Bread, salami, cheese, jams, honey ... and more ... all offered by the Social Balançin Farm ..... COME!
Info and reservations 339.5373945